National 5

Summer Homework

In S4, National 4 and 5 English involves studying 6 poems by the poet Edwin Morgan.  In order to help prepare for the work that we will do on these poems, you should download the following files and complete the tasks over your summer holidays.

S4 Morgan Poetry Summer Homework

Poems for you to annotate – please print

The tasks are designed to help you develop your understanding of these poems.  

If you are struggling with any of the questions, or if you would like to do any extra work on these poems, BBC Bitesize has some useful information here: BBC Bitesize Edwin Morgan Poetry

Please note, there are additional study support materials for each of the poems at the foot of this page.

Guides to Writing Critical Essays:
The Tasty Pizza of Essay Goodness (and other extended metaphors) - a guide to what is expected of your critical essay and some tips on how to create a full response

Asserting your thoughts - Analysis and Evaluation

Please note, exemplar critical essays can be found under the 'Examples of Writing' tab.

Critical Essay Questions for "The Crucible":
Weeks 1 to 10 - Critical Essay Example Questions 

Essay Question list for The Crucible

The Crucible:

The Crucible - digital copy of the text

The Crucible: Full Unit - a copy of the unit completed in class with detailed information on the key themes in the final pages.

Notes and  Exemplar Essay Plans

Key Quotations with Context and Analysis

Proctor's Inner Conflict
Shocking SceneProctor's Flaw - Essay Plan
Key Scene - Essay Plan
Importance of the Ending - Essay Plan

The Crucible: revision aid - Further information on the narrative structure of the play (written from a Drama perspective)

Weekly Critical Essay Questions - you should aim to write at least one timed response per week. Make sure you create a plan for the final question (week 10).

To Kill a Mockingbird:

To Kill a Mockingbird - digital copy of the text  

Quotation Banks:
Quotation list for TKAM
Quotations list - specific to themes

Class notes from group work:
Importance of Family
Racial Prejudice
Nature of Community
Importance of Family (alt)
Timeline 1
Timeline 2
Timeline 3
Timeline 4
Scout 2
Tom Robinson 1
Tom Robinson 2
Tom Robinson 3
Tom Robinson Evaluation
Link Deas
Judge Taylor
Dolphus Raymond
Bob Ewell
Key Incidents
Mayella Ewell

Morgan Poetry for Scots Context Question:
With thanks to Jane Cooper and the Scottish Poetry Library

Good Friday - poem and notes
Hyena - poem and notes
In The Snack Bar - poem and notes
Slate - poem and notes
Trio - poem and notes
Winter - poem and notes

Morgan Scottish Context Questions - how to answer the 8 mark question


Close Reading Study:
Close Reading Revision Tasks
Close Reading - the "bible" of understanding and analysis
Describing Tone